This webpage contains the following data sets and processing results for the paper:

Using MicroPET Imaging in Quantitative Verification of Acupuncture Effect in Ischemia Stroke Treatment


MicroPET image data:


This link contains three directories named RA, SA, and BC, representing three groups, respectively.

The numbers of modeled rats in these three groups are 63 (RA), 62 (SA), and 30 (BC), respectively.  

In each group, we create one subdirectory for each rat and store the MicroPET data of the first, second, and third scan. Each scan data consists of one header file and one image data file following the ANALYZE format.


You may use the software Amide ( to view these data sets.

The Name.xls file describes the relationship between files and scan order.



MRI image data:

This link stores 14 MRI images and Diffusion Weighted MRI images of modeled rats in DICOM format.

We store images of each rat in a separate directory.  In the directory, we store the MRI image in the SE2 subdirectory and the Diffusion Weighted MRI image in the SE3 subdirectory. 



TTC-Staining image data:

This link stores 14 staining example images in JPEG format




This excel file describes the correspondence between rat indices and file names during imaging process.




This excel file contains the original data and injury area index values of different MicroPET images at different threshold conditions. The readme file gives a detailed explanation about different working sheets.